Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is IISiS?

IISiS is the only cost benchmarking tool for investigator initiated studies. As a workflow tool, the investigator can submit their applications online and you can communicate the budget, contract, and protocol details with them through IISiS.

What is GrantPlan?

GrantPlan is the largest cost benchmarking database that allows sponsors and CROs to budget/forecast for investigator grant costs. It has over 3500 line items and we have data for over 60 countries including emerging countries like China and India.

It also allows the budgets to be negotiated online.One of our largest clients conducted their own study about Online Negotiation after using the tool for an entire year. They found that the time that it took them to negotiate budgets went from an average of 49 days to 17 days just by switching to GrantPlan's Online Negotiation!